Number of papers: 2

Effect of Greenhouse Gases on Thermal Emissivity by Clouds — ArXiv Physics, 2024; Van Wijngaarden and Happer

This paper is far too technical for me to summarize. Their goal is to provide a theoretical and computational framework for modelers. It is unlikely any modelers will a) understand their work or b) have any interest in it, as their motivations come from outside science.

Supersaturation and Critical Size of Cloud Condensation Nuclei in Marine Stratus Clouds — Geophysical Research Letters, 2024; Svensmark et al.

“Clouds in Earth's atmosphere are of fundamental importance for the climate by regulating the reflection of sunlight into space and interacting with thermal radiation from Earth. Clouds form when moist air ascends and gets supersaturated with water vapor that condenses on aerosol particles of sufficient sizes, which then grow into cloud droplets. The aerosol number-density and size spectrum influence the resulting cloud properties, and the supersaturation determines which aerosols can be activated into cloud drops. Here, we show that the supersaturation in marine liquid clouds is significantly higher than in the conventional view. As a consequence, much smaller aerosols can serve as cloud condensation nuclei. This can make cloud formation more sensitive to changes in aerosol properties than previously thought.”