Designed and regulated by elites and bureaucrats, the ESGs are very bad for poor people, the middle class, society, and the environment.
Resolved …
The UN Environmental, Sustainability, and Governance goals are nothing more than a Trojan Horse to control people via one world government by unelected and corrupt elites.
The UN has a history of human-rights abuse, meddling, corruption, and ineffectiveness.
Climate, energy, and environmental issues have been manipulated to instill fear, so people agree to throw money at those “solving the problem” via expensive, jet-infested conferences.
Wokeism and cancel culture have drawn a tighter and tighter noose around markets, businesses, individual freedoms, and expression. Box ticking has replaced excellence and innovation. Diversity as signaling is choking corporate boardrooms.
Most government agencies are now reinforcing these “mandates.” Why? Because many are now headed by former “Young Global Leaders” of the World Economic Forum. They are Klaus Schwab’s tentacles. Other causes include political meddling and brainwashed institutional cultures.
Journalists and even scientific publications have been willing to go along with this, because scaring people with sensational headlines makes more money than telling them things are actually fine and getting better.
This “new normal” is bad for companies, people, and society. It especially hurts poor people and the middle class by raising energy prices, distorting portfolio performance, restricting access to capital, and eroding personal liberties. Compliance costs too much and provides little benefit.
Cities and states are now being scored, determining how much they can borrow, from whom, for what, and at what rates. Meanwhile, their pension funds are illegally diverted to net-zero indexes.
Soon enough, a personal ESG score will be used to deny you access to financial services, rent, loans, how far and when you can travel, etc. Climate lockdowns are coming.
We will need to do personal carbon trading, show our carbon-sequestration data, show our jet-travel history, correct our pronouns, ensure that all teams are racially and gender balanced, etc.
The ultimate goal: global government in tandem with surveillance capitalism. Redistribution of wealth via compliance and penalties.
ESG scoring is arbitrary, meaningless, and manipulative. Companies are now “damned if they do and damned if they don’t.”
The SEC estimates the full cost of compliance will rise from $2 billion per year to $8 billion for every listed company.
This is not about the Environment, Social justice, or Governance. It is about money. All the big consulting companies are now onboard. Law firms are eagerly pursuing giant law suits against multinational “offenders.” ESGs are a $2 trillion business worldwide.
ESGs are a curable disease, but they have metastasized and are taking over. We are losing to virtue signaling, fake science, disinformation, media manipulation, and political agendas — just as academia is.
If you think ESGs are beneficial, spend a week in Sri Lanka or Ghana.
We are not associated with Jordan Peterson, but his message is right on.
The early results are in. We have nine years left before they take over completely.
We are going to fix this.
Scoring is bad. Scoring simplifies a complex world into a single set of numbers that do not represent reality and are hard to change.
Moreover, ESG scoring is done arbitrarily, based on political assumptions and a set of unclear rules by anointed consultants selling indulgences.
We want businesses to do their best every day. We believe any company that seeks long-term shareholder value with strong competition will automatically do the right thing for people, planet, and society.
The term “sustainability” is a meaningless marketing buzzword. True innovation does not require sustainability consultants or checkboxes.
We are planning a new movement, a collaboration of industry, thinkers, doers, influencers, and citizens.
Read our manifesto to learn how things are not what you have been told and what we will do about it.
We are especially interested in hearing from corporate officers who need help combatting this disease, internally and externally.
We are in stealth mode. We have a Slack group. Contact us to learn more about how you can be part of it.