We are fighting for scientific integrity, the scientific method, and the right of people in developing countries to build a reliable, affordable energy grid. We also would like to help developed countries not commit economic suicide via bad energy policy. We don’t call people names. We use data and reason in the face of extreme political propaganda and lying. All these groups have newsletters and most publish papers or reports and make videos. Please join and follow them:

CO2 Coalition — a group of scientists and communicators working to understand climate issues and help the world see that the message they have been getting has been severely distorted. They work tirelessly on policy issues, law suits, work with state legislators, and lobby Congress. Several of the members were once invited by the UN to participate in the IPCC working group 1, which addresses the science issues. They left when they learned that the IPCC has no interest in science.

The Global Warming Policy Foundation — a think tank created by Benny Peiser. This group works very hard to write reports and make videos explaining what’s wrong with the current climate narrative and how to fix it. Their policy papers are excellent.

Net Zero Watch — an offshoot from the GWPF, keeps tabs on everything Net Zero and helps people understand that suicidal energy policy based on bad science is not beneficial for anyone but the promoters.

Clintel — a Dutch organization documenting the climate propaganda and helping defend science against frivolous lawsuits.

The Irish Climate Science Forum — an offshoot Irish group from Clintel. They have a newsletter and a monthly talk.

Friends of Science Canada — a group of passionate volunteers writing reports and making videos explaining that the “science” of climate change is political.

International Climate Science Coalition of Canada — Headed by Tom Harris, an outspoken critic of bad energy policy.

Critically Thinking — a Substack newsletter by John Droz, tireless promoter of the Scientific Method.

Climate Discussion Nexus — John Robson, a historian and journalist, sends out a weekly newsletter and makes very valuable video explainers.

Watt’s Up with That — started by meteorologist Anthony Watts, this is the largest climate rationalist news outlet in the world.

Climate Change Truth — Dave White curates and creates a good amount of content on his site.

Sea-Level.info — David Burton, member of the CO2 Coalition, has excellent content.

The Copenhagen Consensus Center — a think tank headed by Bjorn Lomborg. Their job is to prioritize and focus on the world’s largest problems. Climate change is not one of them.

Energy Policy Advocates — “Bureaucrats thrive on secrecy. At EPA, we make sure you know what your government is up to and how it makes its decisions.”

The Heartland Institute — a conservative think tank. One of their key areas is climate change. They host an annual conference and support many scientists who have been treated unfairly by their original institutions. They may have the largest budget of any group listed here.